Sensory exploration is a youngster’s way of examining, discovering, categorizing and understanding the world he or she lives in. For young people who have Sensory Integration Dysfunction it is difficult for them to make sense and organize all the stimuli that they feel through their senses.
What is Sensory Play?
- A play activity that stimulates a child’s sense of touch, smell or taste.
- A play activity that stimulates a youngster’s sense of sight and hearing.
- A play activity that stimulates his or her sense of movement and balance.
Benefits of Sensory Play:
- Playing with different textures and objects helps a child feel calm and safe.
- It assists a youngster to feel grounded in his or her environment.
- Helps them to regulate their internal discomfort (agitation & restlessness).
- Assist a child to tolerate all of the different stimulation at home and school.
I use Sensory Play with some of these Problems:
- Attention-Deficit Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Adjustment Disorders
- Developmental Disorders
- Spectrum Disorders