Winter Fun for Everyone: Inclusive Activities for Kids with Physical Disabilities

Here comes the colder weather, the holidays, and the snow, — it’s a winter wonderland! Yet, not every child views these annual developments through the same lens. O course, they do want to join in with the fun. But, with physical disabilities, it can feel daunting at times. They may even feel excluded.

Thanks to decades of increased awareness, there is now an abundance of inclusive activities to experience. Having a physical disability no longer means sitting on the sidelines. With just a little creativity and open-mindedness, so many winter activities can be adapted or invented.

Why Inclusive?

People mean well but unless you’re knowledgeable about disabilities, you may unintentionally leave some children out. A child with a physical disability loves to play and have fun as much as any of their peers. Sometimes, however, it involves some planning in advance. If you have a child with disabilities, you already know this. If you don’t, this is an ideal time to educate yourself and make sure no child is excluded.

6 Inclusive Winter Activities for Kids with Physical Disabilities

1. Build a Snowman

Let’s go with an “old school” activity first. Who doesn’t love creating a snowman or woman or child or whatever? This can be a group effort or each person can work on a separate snowman. For fun, you can give the snowman a hat or scarf or the old-fashioned carrot nose. Obviously, you will cater the degree of difficulty to your child’s particular needs.

2. Try Sledding With a Rope

Sledding can be a high-risk endeavor for all kids. When playing with a child with a physical disability, you can modify things rather easily. Firmly tie a strong rope to the sled. Have your child sit or lay on the sled. Pull them around, up and down the hills, and so on. If older siblings are around, you can give them a chance to pull the rope.

3. Play Real Board Games

This is a fun opportunity to turn off digital devices and take out a real board game. It might be a family activity or perhaps you’ll invite friends over on a cold day. Give your child as much control as you can in terms of choosing a game and deciding who will participate.

4. Have a Movie Day

Once again, this can be a family thing or friends only or perhaps a mix of both. Be sure to schedule at least one intermission to give the kids a chance to move, stretch, etc. Encourage a discussion about the movie afterward.

5. Shoveling — Yes, Shoveling

Of course, you must factor in the child’s disability before moving forward with this activity. But, the idea here is to get some exercise in. Kids can help with clearing a driveway or path for an elderly neighbor. The neighbor can get around safely. The children work up a healthy sweat — and they learn a valuable lesson about giving. Everyone wins!

6. Stage Your Own Winter “Olympics”

Speaking of winning, you can pick a handful of winter activities and turn them into a mini-Olympics. It doesn’t have to be overly competitive but it should involve working together to succeed. The child with disabilities will have a priceless opportunity to be part of a team. Plus, it’s another great way to get in some exercise!

If you’re the parent of a child with a physical disability, you will face some unique challenges. It’s crucial that you take care of your own well-being in the process. To help learn ways to support your physically disabled child and take care of yourself, therapy for kids with disabilities is essential.  Let’s connect for a free and confidential consultation.

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